GWP'S Rants N Raves UPDATE ! Posted Tuesday, October 2, 2001 by GWPGearWorx That's right my Rants N Raves site has been updated :) check it out by CLICKING HERE ! Interact and post your thoughts today !
Just a minor set back... Posted Monday, October 1, 2001 by GWPGearWorx Well folks as you know I have been waiting to get my PC upgraded, and the good news is I have my new pc now and I can get back to work on the game :) but the bad news is the old hard drive crashed that stored the Citdome data files and I lost 95 % of it. HOWEVER I am looking at this in a good way as now I can go back and change the things that I would of liked there in the first place. Expect screenshots very VERY soon as I am gonna be working away for a few days straight after I get all the software installed on this new pc.... This has not in anyway slowed down the production as I lost all of MY data ONLY and not any of the other team members work :) so thats ok hehehe... But that means that all of the models I made are gone and as soon as I can I will be removing all of the current model pics that I have online :( sorry once again.
is your chance to vote for what you want MORE OF in a Single-player
MOD.... This poll is not just to take up page space folks,
The results will effect the final product ! So what are
you waiting for ??? Vote today ! -=GWP
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