Total Warfare is a single player and multi player total conversion from Vavle's computer game, Half-Life. TW multi player is team play/mission/objectives game play. The objectives follow the story line. You also interact with your opponents objectives. Creating more conflicts. The TC will feature game play that will put strong team work. You can see the rest of the features bellow the paragraph....

Vehicles - You can jump into vehicles, and each of those vehicles will have their own weapons (Trip mines, turret guns ect.) The vehicles won't be like the Counter-Strike ones, what will they be like? Think of Interstate 76, you will get the idea. And you will be able to make it towards there wont be any vehicles in your server, if you wish. And some maps will not have vehicles in them. (We are still not sure if we are adding this feature yet)

Hit animation's - When players are shot at, animation's will show on the player where he has been hit at.

Stunts - The players would be able to perform dive rolls to the left and right, Dive backwards and forward, wall jumps and flips.

Weapon throwing - The players would be able to throw the weapons at the enemy for a way to attack them. This would be mostly used when the ammo in the weapon has ran out.

Akimbo - You can purchase two of the same gun, which will allow you to do akimbo with them. Like the HK PDW, Desert Eagle .50 AE, Glock 19, HK MP5K, Tec-9 and all the the other pistols. You will also be able to control wich gun you desigher (left or right) with primary and secondary attack keys. Some times if you use akimbo with a gun that has secondary attack, there will be a thirdenary attack for akimbo.

No health pick ups - There won't be health pick ups in multi player. But there will be in single player, because you wouldn't be able to survive in single player with out health pick ups.

Akimbo mixtures - You will be able to do akimbo mixtures. (This feature will be in beta 2)

Realistic physics - There will be realistic wounds and physics. Realistic fall damage, leg cripples, throught cuts ect.

Money - You need money to purchase guns. But you still spawn with Desert Dagger and USP Match.

No clones - Only one character per player class allowed in a server. No multiple Michael's or Christopher's ect. Don't worry, there will be lots of characters in each team.

Last man standing options - In the server options, you can choose if you want the game to be last man standing mode: after death you stay dead untel round is over. Or continue mode: where you respawn after your death.

Single Player Obstacles - The enemies won't be the only thing you got to worry about. There will be obstacles, mazes ect.