Weapon selection - Right after you enter a server, you can select a melee, secondary, primary and explosive weapons, or you can change them while already playing a server, but you will have to wait intel you respawn to change to the new weapons.
Vehicles - You can jump into vehicles, and each of those vehicles will have their own weapons (Trip mines, turret guns ect.) The vehicles won't be like the Counter-Strike ones, what will they be like? Think of Interstate 76, you will get the idea. And you will be able to make it towards there wont be any vehicles in your server, if you wish. And some maps will not have vehicles in them. (We are still not sure if we are adding this feature yet)
Single player epidoes - You can download single player epidoes for Timmy Wars, the episodes will follow the story, each episide will hold about 30 maps. There will be 6 episodes, why? Read the story. (This wont happen intel the beta stages are over)
Steal other players weapon - When you kill a other player, you can pick up their back pack and get the weapons they had. But that other player that died will respawn and still have those weapons.
CTF flag for a weapon - When you have the enamy flag, you will be able to use it as a weapon and stab people with it. And it will be the strongest melee.
Hit animations - When players are shoten at, animations will show on the player where he has been hit at. (We are still not sure if we are adding this feature yet)
Dive rolls - The players would be able to preform dive rolls, to the left and right.
Weapon throwing - The players would be able to throw the weapons at the enamy for a way to attack them. This would be mostley used when the ammo in the weapon has ran out.
Realistic fall and limp damage - When players have fall from a high distance, they will start limping for a brief moment after they landed.
Akimbo - When your at weapon selection. You can do akimbo mode with certain weapons. Like the Stryer TMP, Desert Eagle .50 AE, Glock 19, HK MP5K and all the the other pistols.
Multi player and single player physics - The physics in multi and single player will be differant. Multi player will have faster game play action and a little unrealistic damage. Single player will have more realistic game play, and the game play will be a little slower in single player. And the damage will be more realistic.
Health pick ups - There won't be health pick ups in multi player. But there will be in single player, because you wouldnt be able to survive in single player with out health pick ups.
John Woo - Multi player will have John Woo movie style action. How? Well, the damage in multi player will be kind of low, so the gun shoot outs the players will have would last longer. Like a long shoot out in a John Woo film. Trust me, the multi player will be funner and more exiting with the low damage. And also the dive rolls will make it like a John Woo movie.
Runes - There will be power up runes in the mod, like Shield rune: You will take half the damage. Regeneration rune: Your life will regenerate. Akimbo rune: You will be able to do akimbo with any weapon. Transparent rune: You will be half invisible. Speed rune: You will run faster. Power rune: your weapon power will increase.
All differant - There wont be one sprite, model, sound FX, model animation and GFX in this mod that's from Half-Life! All new. (but don't expect it to be like that in beta 1. But expect it when the beta stages are over)
Akimbo mixtures - You will be able to do akimbo mixtures. (This feature will be beta 2)
Game play modes
Last Man standing - The player that's the last one alive will win the round. And when he wins the round, he will be aworded with full health, ammo and 5 frags. (This game mode will be in beta 1)
4 team CTF - Their will be green team, blue team, red team and yellow team. One teams has to capture the other 3 flags and bring them to base. And when one team captures the other flags, the round will restart and all the flags will spawn in each of their proper base. And if a player dies, he will respawn in his team base. (This game mode will be in beta 1)
Murder Barney the dinasor - When the round starts, Barney the dinasor and Barney the security gaurd (protecting him) will spawn before the players. 5 seconds after the Barneys spawn, the players will spawn. The player that kills Barney the dinasor will win the round, and the round will restart.
Hide and seek - In the begining of the round, the server will choose a seeker, the player that has been choosen to seek, his screen will be blank while the hidders will hide (SO YOU CAN'T PEEK!) After 20 seconds, the seeker will spawn. When a seeker kills a hider, that hider will respawn as a seeker. When a hider kills a seeker. The seeker will respawn and continue seeking. And how will you tell who is a seeker and who is a hidder? If your a seeker, you will see a S on top of the other seekers. And if your a hidder, you will see a H on top of the hiders.
King of the hill - There will be a plat form, the player that stans on the plat form for 20 seconds will win the round, and will be aworded with full health, ammo and 5 frags.