July 17, 2001
C'mon people! Stop asking me what will be in this special update! Be patient. Heres a clue of one of the best things in the update. The name of the company that has to do with it is
I_ _ _ _ _ _ C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
July 12, 2001
Timmy Wars is still alive! And I posted this to get Hellbound's e-mail. Hellbound, if you read this. What's your e-mail? Tell me. And I have a batch of great screen shots and big updates coming soon, including a new mod name. Don't worry, we will still have the same abbreviations and the same logo.
July 8, 2001
Welcome to the Half-Life mod, Timmy Wars! For the new people: The mod is a mod to bring you lots of fun. Like the game play modes last man standing, 4 team CTF and other. Read the features section for all Timmy Wars information. I know the web design is ugly, but Haarmann (webmaster) is working on a better one! Also check out the weapons and screen shots sections. The mod is kind of new, if your noticed. And their will be a Ultimate Bulletin Board for the Timmy Wars site soon. For the fans from the fragpipe.com days: I have came back from Los Vegus, so the me and the team members will be getting back to work now!
July 4, 2001
Happy 4th of July every one! And I just wanted to let every one know i'm going on vacation intel the end of this week end. And all the other team members are taking a pause on their work. And I have received a e-mail from thebackburner.net telling me my sub domain, user name ect. And thebackburner.net should be launched by the time I get back home. So if any of you guys have any questions or any thing, I wont be able to respawn to it intel this week end.
July 2, 2001
SaM has made models of a HK PDW and butcher knife. And I have uploaded a new poll.
June 30, 2001
SaM has made a Beretta and Tec-9 model, so I thought I would upload pictures of them.
June 29, 2001
I have uploaded three pictures of the upcoming Cop-Killer model. And Motley is going to make newer, better looking and bigger model renderings of all the Timmy Wars models when he gets home from vacation tonight.
June 28, 2001
New host soon, that's right! Sense we are having server shut downs at fragpipe latley, we are moving to BackBurner! They already said yes, so we are going there in a couple of days. Happy birth day to Haarmann! You can find his e-mail below the page to tell him happy b-day! And we got two new team members, SaM and CK-Dead. SaM will be our weapon modeler, you can see his USP at the bottom of today's news article. And CK-Dead will be our weapon sound guy. He has made the MP5A2 sounds for us already, and they were great!
June 26, 2001
Most of you didn't know what was the deal with this model thing. You see, Bishop got Eagle Force's models and said they were his so he could join the team. But he was real lucky to stay in the team, sense he still is a good modeler! Any ways, bishop has a lot of friends that have made CS custom models, so he will be asking them if we can use their models and put them in Timmy Wars. A couple of them already said yes. And i'm also looking around for CS custom models and see if they let us use them this mod. So some time soon we will upload pictures of them. And if you have made a CS custom model or know about a great one that is a model of a weapon in the weapon list, e-mail me about it. So I hope this helps to get us models faster. And it doesn't have to be from a CS custom model, it can be a custom model for any Half-Life mod. Me and Chalupa were alpha testing Timmy Wars, and we played tw_cliff, It was to hard! So say bye bye to that map!
June 25, 2001
OH MAN! Im so mad, the people out there that seen the mod eagle-force. Bishop has just showed me pictures and said it was his when he joined the team, even though it was Eagle Force's. But he does really model, he showed me pictures of his AK 47 with baynet and some others. They are good. So im very sorry about this. And im to stressed to upload them.
June 25, 2001
Welcome our two new mappers, Haword and Neo. And me and Chalupa were in a rousing game of Timmy Wars prerelease alpha 1. So I took two in-game screen shots and posted them at the site! I know the Timmy model colors and M16 animation's are messed up. And that the M16 model was using the Half-Life hands. But those will be fixed soon! But when Cyber finishes his three secret assignments, he will be able to skin the hands and Hellbound will animate the M16!
June 24, 2001
Nothing much in this update, just wanted to show a picture of Bishop's Zippo and WD-40 Can model! I also uploaded a real life picture in the weapons section.
June 23, 2001
Welcome our two new team members, Chalupa and Motley! Chalupa will be our flash artist, idea guy and he will tell me when he finds spelling mistakes and errors. And he has told me some errors already, and I fixed them. And Motley will be our mapper, modeler and animator. He has made some cool CS pictures before, and I posted them for you to see. But when he posted them at the CS art site he had a deferent nick name, just so you know. And I also uploaded a sketch of the Cop-Killer model by The Vicker.
June 20, 2001
Welcome our new team member, his name is The Vicker. He will be modeling and animating the player models and the monster (single player enemy) models. And I have uploaded pictures of two models done by Bishop. The Tec-9 and MP5K.
June 19, 2001
Ok, I added a section showing what weapons will be featured in TimmyWars beta 1. Click here to check it out.
June 17, 2001
Ok, remember that great map that Gator started? I well now tell you about it! It's going to be a single player map of the Timmy Wars story. It will be included with beta 1. You know, you can go in the museum and fight Gold-Leader and stuff. And Haarmann (Haarus, his name has just been changed.) has a nice surprise that will be included with the finished TW site. You will notice it when it comes. Status report: There are three other TW maps in the works that are almost done. SuperTramp is near completion with the VGUI stuff. And Falcon is almost done with his exams, when he returns. He will make the new renders. And me, Haarmann and Falcon will start on the new CTF picture soon. And i'm looking for 4 more play testers for TimmyWars, if you are interested, e-mail me! And keep in mind that the play testers must live in California or close to it. And must run DSL or Cable.
June 15, 2001
I have some great news for you all. We got a TimmyWars IRC channel! It is on the gamesnet server, the channel is #twars
June 13, 2001
Ok, Haarus is going to do the wad compiling now. And we have two new team members. They are Hellbound, he will be the modeler and animator. And Falcon, he will be the model render guy.
June 11, 2001
Ok, Cyber can't compile a wad, I can't do it. Gator is getting hungry for the textures. WE JUST NEED TO COMPILE THEM! The textures by Cyber are great, we just cant make them into wads. We need a team member that can just compile wads! Then Gator can add the textures to the upcoming map tw_paintball, and then I can post pictures of that map. Oh, and Gator has told me this great map that he has started working on for TW. I can't tell you yet, but it will be like a CROCODILE bit you when I tell you about it. (Hint, hint)
June 10, 2001
New map by Philip Welsh, tw_snowblower. I have uploaded 3 pics of it. And welcome our new team member, Jacen. He will be the voice actor.
June 9, 2001
Good news every one, Haarus is back from his vacation! So some time next week he will finish the TW site with all the sections and stuff. And we have added a new poll! Go cast your vote.
June 7, 2001
Welcome our new coder, his name is Spidey. From what I heard, he was a professional coder that did global crossing internet systems programming. But we will have to see his Half-Life coding skills. And there has been a update in the FAQ and features sections.
June 6, 2001
Bishop is working on the Timmy Wars hands, and I thought that I would post a preview of it. The picture is small! But Bishop wouldnt to make a larger pic of it. So im sorry for you high desktop resolution people out there. The picture of the finished hands will be larger.
June 5, 2001
Timmy Wars has been interviewed by Half-Life World. Click Here to check it out!
June 3, 2001
We got two skinned models and three unskinned models by Bishop. Spas-12, MP5SD3, Desert Eagle 50 AE, TMP and HK G36E.
June 2, 2001
New team member! His name is Bishop, he will be our modeler and mapper. He has made some previouse work, and he's good! He has made us the AK 47 model already, all he needs to do is add the 100 round clip and scope. Heres a pic of it, no its not the CS AK! It just looks like it.
May 31. 2001
Ok, the EzBoard sucks. I idmet it. When Haarus comes back from France, wich should be next week. I'll have him make the new forum, running by UBB 6.03. The best out there! Well, you may be wondering why I can't do it: Only advance web page people can set up a UBB. And i'm not one of those people. And if Haarus can't make a TW UBB, then i'll have to find some one else out there that can. Or, if any one would like to make us a UBB right now, e-mail me. I also added a couple of questions to the FAQ section. And we have a new team member! His name is Philip Welsh, he will be our mapper. He is already working on the new map, tw_snowblower. The map was originaly a HLPB map, but Philip is cutting out and adding a few things, so it won't seem paint ballish.
May 29, 2001
I have recived a pic of the USP model from Cyber, but the model will have a little update soon (more detail and a trigger.) And the famause modeler Agent Orange, let me use his cool Beretta 93R model. And why are the TimmyWars hands taking so long to be finished? Well, Cyber is having some bad problems with it, so i'm sorry for the delay on it. And I fixed up the screen shots section, so it will load faster. I'm not sure if it will load faster, so if it does or not. Leave a message in the forums.
May 28, 2001
New poll added, go cast your vote!
May 27, 2001
Ok, we are doing F***ING POOR ON MAPPING! We need mappers! Bad! I don't eaven care if your want to just make one map for the mod! So if your interested in being a mapper for TW, or just make one map. E-mail Timmy.
May 26, 2001
Welcome our new coder, his name is SuperTramp. He already did the M16 code for us, cool, huh? And he's working on some VGUI stuff right now. And Cyber has returned from his month long exam. And he's almost done with the USP Match model, he should be done with it tomower. Then he will return to working on the TimmyWars hands.
May 25, 2001
I have added the features section, no it's not in the navigation bar on the left, sorry about that. Couldn't do that because Haarus is having a vacation in France. So it will be found here.
May 24, 2001
Hmmmmm.... There hasn't been a update in a while (DUH.) So I thought I would show you this cool pic of pics that will be on the skins of the new CTF flag model. Oh, and if your wondering, there is a lot of TimmyWars stuff and progress done that is never really minsion before, so I thought I would tell you some of the progress that has been done. You know in TFC, how theres that announcer voice (You have captured, the flag ect.) we have made the TimmyWars announcer sounds, no they are not the TFC ones, they are all new ones! And my dad brought down his Glock 19 and 12 gauge for me to use, so I made sound FX from them. I think I told all of you about that before. Bad memorization!
May 21, 2001
Haarus has fixed the home link on the navigation bar. And when I had the help wanted for foot step sounds that I posted a couple of days ago, I left out 2 other kinds of foot step sounds I needed, those were: snow and grass
May 20, 2001
w00t! Frag Pipe has finally fixed up! And I have uploaded shots of a TimmyWars training map im working on! The map should have differant textures and light effects soon. And I uploaded one in-game shot. And that error when you click "Home" on the navigation bar is getting repaired.
May 19, 2001
I'm sorry every one, Fragpipe has just been having a lot of server shut downs today! It should fix soon. And after we get all the sections and stuff done for the site, we will move to a new hosting site soon: No more crashes! And the sight we should be hosting at soon doesn't crash.
May 18, 2001
Wanting to know what TimmyWars is going to be like? Check this TXT out.
May 16, 2001
Ok, I added my e-mail to the intro page, so what ever you wanted to be e-mailing me about, now you can do it!
May 16, 2001
Help Wanted! We need modelers, animators, coders, some one to do the player sounds (The pain, death and jump sounds, like TFC) and some one that can make foot steps sound effects, that sound like their on dirt, heating ducts, 50 gal. metal drumbs, tile and dry cement.
May 15, 2001
Alixaner Lack "The guy making the Tippmann model." Has sent me a picture of what he has done so far to the Tippmann model!
May 14, 2001
I had a guy in the forums asking me a pretty good question about using the CS model and TFC sniper. This is how its going to work, we are going to improve the models and add differant skins to them. So they will look simaler to them, but eaven better than the orriginal! And we are also doing the same to the Agent Smith model (You have probobly herd me tell you about that before.) And there is a guy out there, making the Tippmann 98 flat line barrel model for us! He is very good at making paint ball gun models, check out his previouse work at https://forthemoney.homestead.com/. And I added a new poll, go cast your vote.
May 13, 2001
I have uploaded screen shots in the screen shots section, go check them out.
May 13, 2001
Welcome to the new Timmy Wars site! Enjoy! Right now we are still adding to the site. So you can look around and check it out.
Timmy Wars 2001 copy right Timmy 2001. All rights reserved, except the Timmy character. HTML and design by Harrmann. The Timmy character is a trademark of ID Software. Any questions, suggestions other, e-mail Timmy. Half-Life is a trademark of Sierra and Vavle. Content may not be used from this site without permission.